At Augsburg University, your safety and well-being is our primary concern. Whether you are a survivor, witness, or are unsure of your rights or what actions can be taken, Augsburg University provides resources and information for you to make decisions about your experience.

Augsburg University provides students and employees with an online system for easy and confidential reporting of concerns, violations of the Student Conduct Code, Title IX, Discrimination and Bias, and more. Please review the reporting forms below to select the reporting form that best meets your needs. If you are unsure of which form to choose, please complete the General Student Concerns reporting form.

If you have an emergency, please call 911.

For other urgent matters, please contact the Department of Public Safety for 24-hour assistance at 612-330-1717.

Discrimination and Bias

Augsburg University cares about the safety of its students and creating an inclusive community. All members of the Augsburg Community are subject to Augsburg University non-discrimination policies and the expectation that they will uphold Augsburg’s commitment to diversity.

Augsburg University, as affirmed in its mission, does not discriminate on the basis of of race, color, religious belief, national or ethnic origin, age, disability, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, familial status, genetic information, status with regard to public assistance, or citizenship in its educational policies, admissions policies, employment, scholarship and loan programs, athletic and/or school-administered programs, except in those instances where there is a bona fide occupational qualification or to comply with state or federal law. Augsburg University is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to its employees and students with disabilities.

Students, faculty and staff who have experienced any discrimination, harassment, bias or retaliation are encouraged to communicate their concerns through Augsburg’s Discrimination and Bias Reporting Form

Report discrimination or bias

For more information, contact:

Joanne K. Reeck
Vice President for Equity and Inclusion | ADA/504 Compliance Officer

Incident Reporting

This form is for reporting general incidents of misconduct – whether it has occurred on or off campus, including, but not limited to: alcohol & drug use, harassment, bullying, housing policy violations, physical assault, organizational violations, hazing, and more.

All members of the Augsburg University community are expected to act with responsibility and moral integrity. Students are subject to disciplinary sanctions for conduct which occurs on or off campus when that behavior is detrimental or disruptive to the purpose or mission of the University.

Report an incident

For more information, contact:

Michael Grewe
Dean of Students

Sexual Misconduct & Title IX

Sexual misconduct is an umbrella term that includes, but is not limited to, dating violence, domestic violence, sex-based discrimination, sexual assault, sexual harassment, sexual violence, stalking, and/or other prohibited sexual misconduct.  The University understands that definitions may overlap and will examine individual incidents where sexual misconduct is alleged.

Individuals can use this form to report any Title IX or sexual misconduct/harassment concerns, as outlined above.

Report sexual misconduct or harassment

To learn more about Augsburg’s reporting options and resources for sexual misconduct, please visit our Title IX website.

For more information, contact:

Marah Jacobson
Associate Provost | Title IX Coordinator


Augsburg community members are encouraged to use this form to inform the University of students we should be aware of.  Concerning behaviors or experiences could include: financial Issues, classroom disruption, community disruption, mental health concern, suicidal ideation, attempted suicide, hospitalization, medical, family/friend, relationships.

Report a student concern

For more information, contact:

Michael Grewe
Dean of Students

Student General Concerns

Augsburg is committed to ensuring our community has access to clear channels of communication.  This means that creating a platform for students to report concerns is essential to the well-being of the University.

Augsburg University is committed to ensuring our community feels seen and heard.  Therefore we recognize that the above forms may not include all possible reporting needs. Individuals may use this form to report any concerns related to Augsburg University.

Report a general student concern

For more information, contact:

Michael Grewe
Dean of Students


A student should only complete this form if:

  • A student has first talked with their professor in an attempt to change their course grade but did not receive an outcome that the student believes was appropriate
  • A student has then gone to the department chair in an attempt to change their course grade but still did not receive an outcome that the student believes was appropriate

This form will be reviewed by the appropriate academic dean for consideration. (See Final Grade Appeal Procedure for more information.)

Student Grade Appeal

For more information, contact:

Monica Devers, Dean of Professional Studies

Ryan Haaland, Dean of Arts and Sciences

Student Organization Appeals

This form is to appeal decisions made about student organizations or student organization members/officers. These include denial as a chartered, commissioned, or AU/graduate student organization; denial or removal as an officer or as a member of a student organization; amounts set or approved for officer stipends; decision made about Day Student Government candidates or election results; sanctions set for student organizations, including deregistration (i.e., suspension).

Student Organization Appeal

For more information, contact:

Firi Dawid
Director of Campus Life


Religious holiday Observance

The religious holiday observance notification procedure is based on the assumption and expectation that students will act in accordance with the University’s Standards of Conduct. Students are expected to formally notify their instructors at least two weeks in advance that they will miss class in order to observe a religious holiday. Students are required to make prior arrangements with individual instructors for completion of any work missed during an absence. For more information and the complete process please refer to the Religious Holiday Policy.

Religious Holiday Observance Notifcation Form

For more information, contact:

Babette Chatman
Director of Campus Ministry | University Pastor


Contact Information

For additional information, please reach out to the appropriate direct contact.

Marah Jacobson

Associate Provost | Title IX Coordinator

Babette Chatman

Director of Campus Ministry | University Pastor

Firi Dawid

Director of Campus Life

Michael Grewe

Dean of Students

Dawn Miller

Associate Vice President of Human Resources

Joanne K. Reeck

Vice President for Equity and Inclusion | ADA/504 Compliance Officer